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Showing posts from 2017

Dietary Protein Benefits: How It Can Help You Gain Muscles

Highlights; Higher overall protein intake can help provide higher muscle mass Protein is known to protect bone density, muscle mass and strength Sufficient amount of protein will put you in a positive nitrogen balance Want to gain muscles and be strong? It's not all about working your guts out in the gym. While exercise can help you burn calories and sculpt your physique, you also need a good dose of nutrients to help your body achieve that dream goal in a healthy way. And no matter what people tell you about supplements and other products to help gain muscles, there's nothing quite like good food sources that are natural. Proteins are essential for your body as they help in cell growth and development. Your muscles need their regular dose of proteins to grow and function efficiently. There are various sources of dietary protein, both animal and plant based. Examples include chicken, eggs, fish, legumes, beans, etc. Protein, which is made up of amino acids, i

Food News!!! Meat Protein And Not Fat Causes Obesity:

Highlights Meat in modern diet creates surplus energy leading to obesity Protein causes obesity as it is digested after the fats and carbohydrates Obesity is prevalent across 170 countries We all need protein in our diet to help our body repair cells and make new ones and it is also an important factor for our growth and development. Protein foods are broken down into parts called amino acids during digestion. The human body requires a number of amino acids in large enough amounts to maintain good health. It's equally important to eat the right amount and the right kind of protein to get its health benefits. Protein in meat is causing obesity in the same way sugar does, reveals a new study. The study suggest that protein in meat is causing obesity as it is digested after the fats and carbohydrates. This makes the energy released from protein a surplus, which then is converted and stored as extra fat in the human body. The World Heath Organization (WHO), state