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The recipe of the week is Melon/Egusi soup as most people know it. It is eaten all around West African Countries. The Yoruba’s call it Efo Elegusi, the Igbo’s Ofe Egusi and Hausa’s Miyan Gushi. In your opinion, which west African tribe makes the best egusi/melon soup? #recipeoftheweek #iCuisine #itunucuisine. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

Answer to the Trivia question on Tomato!

Hey guys, so there was a post 3days ago about tomato to be considered a fruit or vegetable, if you said tomato is a fruit or vegetable, fruitable, vegefruit. Even though I’ve never hear of that English. You all are correct. It depends on how you look at it. Scientifically, it is considered a fruit because it develops from the ovary in d base of a flower and contains seed. But in the culinary world we consider it a vegetable because we mainly use tomato for savoury dishes 👌🏽 I hope we were able to learn something  #iCuisine #itunucuisine


Fun facts Friday!!! Did you know that banana trees are actually classified as giant herbs their trunks are made of tightened leaves and not wood.  Comment if you didn’t know banana trees were actually herbs.  #iCuisine #foodfacts #banana #funfacts 


                                        The tomato brings a whole new flavour to food. But there’s been an argument for a long time whether a tomato is considered to be a fruit or a vegetable.  Tell us what you think. Fruit or Vegetable? #iCuisinetips #itunucuisine

You Should Try This Whenever You Want to Boil Egg

Adding a table spoon of vinegar to your water when boiling an egg, makes it easier to peel.  Have you ever tried this method before? If you haven’t you can share us the method you use. Let us know what you think. Thanks. #kitchentips #cookingtips #iCuisine.